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Man-Son-Hing Martial Arts Legacy

Master Christopher Man-Son-Hing was recently promoted to 7th Dan Black Belt by Grand Master J. Park, 9th Dan Black Belt. Master Chris is passing his Legacy down through the generations and is now in the TaeKwoDo history books. Featured on…

December Client Profile Sean and Nate McDaniel

Father and Son Team Sean and Nate McDaniel What started my journey in martial arts?  I personally have always been interested in Martial Arts as a young kid.  My dad and I were big Chuck Norris fans as I was…

MSH April Client Profile~Donna Gonzalez, ARNP

What started my journey in martial arts? Two specific incidents started my journey: 1) When in the first grade, my youngest daughter, Sophia, was being bullied by a classmate. The bully, three times Sophia’s size was taking Sophia’s lunch every…

MSH Black Belt Testing

What is Black Belt Testing?  Black belt (martial arts) In East Asian martial arts, the black belt denotes a high competence in the martial art. It is often associated with a teaching grade though frequently not the highest grade or the…

Congratulations to a Special Martial Arts Family

On March 14th, 2020  a very special couple, Joshua and Michelle, were married in a beautiful ceremony on the oceanfront. Featured in the gorgeous wedding photograph is Joshua, Michelle, Aiden, and Alexis! May life bring you many years of love…

Feature Cover Story for “The Lutz Magazine”

We were honored to be featured as the Cover Story for the "Lutz Magazine". Thank you to Sandy Parrish, Editor for a beautiful story and all the people that worked behind the scenes to make us look great!

Mini Dragon Membership

Man-Son-Hing Martial Arts is on a mission to grow our Mini Dragon program! Did you know we have a specific program for ages three through five years for your child? Click on our Mini Dragon  link on the website. Our…